All in Asthma

Tracking of Your Medical Records

Moved or have a chronic illness? Retrieving old files can be complicated, but your health is worth it. Haven’t moved, but have a chronic illness and need to store or organized your medical records. Planning to switch doctors, fine helpful tips on retrieving your records and storing them.

Simple Methods for Helping a Loved One With a Chronic Illness

Wondering how to help your loved one that has either just been diagnosed or has been living with a chronic illness. Find out how to help without causing more stress. Don't allow your uncertainty to keep you from helping your loved one.

How People with Disabilities Can Use Technology to Overcome Barriers

With CoVid and a lot of things being online, there has been a light shined on adaptive technologies. Tech meant to help people from all walks of life overcome challenges and achieve their dreams. Explore some of the ways you can leverage technology to overcome obstacles in your daily life.

First Steps to Coping With a Chronic Illness

Being diagnosed with anything is scary and overwhelming. Being diagnosed with something you can never get rid of can send you through denial, anger and depression. How do you come out ahead? Use information here to help you to cope.

5 Smart Financial Planning Tips for People with Disabilities

Planning for your future can feel intimidating whether you have a disability or not. However, it’s a must, and thankfully, you don’t need to go it alone. Plan ahead with these five smart financial planning tips for people with disabilities.

Patients Bill of Rights

Don’t just take my word for it, the AHA says as a patient you have rights. You have rights over your doctors, over your care and over how you are treated. Click to read a little secret my husband told me.

#GivingTuesday 2020

Generosity is what brings people of all races, faiths, and political views together across the globe. Generosity gives everyone the power to make a positive change in the lives of others and is a fundamental value anyone can act on.

Making the invisible visible

Giving the invisible back it’s visibility is part of the reason for my blog. There is an active campaign by invisible disabilities “Invisible No More” that supports the same mission. During invisible illnesses week October 18-24 please check out this campaign and join in to shine light into the dark.